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Federal Insurance Contributions Act
FICA. Law requiring employers to withhold from employee wages and make payments to a trust Fund designed to provide Benefit , such as for retirement. also called Social Security .
Related Terms: 11
Benefit , Call , ECU , Fund , ITS , Retire , Ring , SEC , Social Security , Trust , Trust fund
Semi Related Terms: 362 CLICK HERE TO VIEW
10-Q ,
10-K ,
Allowance for depreciation ,
Agency security ,
Asset-backed security ,
All or any part ,
At call ,
Accelerated benefits ,
Accidental death benefit ,
All-risks coverage ,
Action to quiet title ,
As is ,
Assignment to creditors ,
Attorney in fact ,
Aggressive growth fund ,
A shares ,
Asset allocation fund ,
Age-weighted plan ,
Additional paid-in capital ,
Automated Pricing and Reporting System ,
Away from the market ,
Back pay ,
Bank Trust Department ,
Balanced fund ,
Bid-to-cover ratio ,
Blend fund ,
Bond fund ,
Book-entry security ,
Balance of payments ,
Benefit ,
Breach of trust ,
Balloon payment ,
B shares ,
Buy and write ,
Benefit offset ,
Benefits administration ,
Cabinet security ,
Call ,
Call date ,
Called away ,
Called bond ,
Call price ,
Call protection ,
Call risk ,
Collateral trust certificate ,
Convertible security ,
Corporate trust ,
Call money rate ,
Cash and carry trade ,
Cheapest to deliver ,
Common-law voting ,
Contract for deed ,
Capital appreciation fund ,
Clone fund ,
Closed-end fund ,
Closed fund ,
Collective trust ,
Crossover fund ,
C shares ,
Call option ,
Call ratio backspread ,
Call swaption ,
Close to the money ,
Covered call ,
Cash or Deferred Arrangement ,
Class A Shares ,
Class B Shares ,
Child and dependent care credit ,
Cup and handle ,
Close a position ,
Curbs in ,
Deposit in transit ,
Date of payment ,
Delivery vs. payment ,
Digested security ,
Droplock security ,
Dividend in arrears ,
Derivative security ,
Death benefit ,
De-escalation clause ,
De facto ,
Discretionary trust ,
Doing business as ,
Debtor in possession ,
Debtor-in-possession financing ,
Debt retirement ,
Deed of Trust ,
Deferred payment ,
Down payment ,
Dual-purpose fund ,
Deep in the money ,
Department of Housing and Urban Development ,
Deferred payment annuity ,
Defined benefit plan ,
Distressed security ,
Escrowed to maturity ,
Exchangeable security ,
Exempt security ,
Either-or order ,
Employer Cost Index ,
E-mini ,
Exchange for futures ,
Exchange for physical ,
Employee Stock Purchase Plan ,
Employee stock repurchase agreement ,
Ex-all ,
Enhanced index fund ,
Environmental fund ,
Equity fund ,
Exchange fund ,
Earned benefit ,
Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 ,
First In First Out ,
Form 10-Q ,
Federal Savings and Loan Association ,
First call date ,
Flight to quality ,
Federal Call ,
Fill or kill ,
Front-ending an order ,
Fund supermarket ,
Forward P/E ,
Fee-for-service ,
Fixed benefits ,
Form 8-K ,
Form S-1 ,
Floating security ,
Friends and family offering ,
Fund ,
Full faith and credit ,
Focused fund ,
Fund family ,
Fund manager ,
Fund of funds ,
Free and clear ,
Flexible benefit plan ,
Fixed investment trust ,
Federal ID Number ,
Graduated security ,
G-7 ,
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ,
G-8 ,
Global fund ,
Graduated payment ,
Growth and income fund ,
Growth fund ,
Ginnie Mae trust ,
Gather in the stops ,
House call ,
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ,
Holder in due course ,
Hedge fund ,
Highly compensated employee ,
Head and shoulders ,
In escrow ,
Inflation-indexed security ,
Investment security ,
In-house ,
In line ,
International Monetary Fund ,
Individual policy pension trust ,
In intestacy ,
Inter vivos trust ,
In play ,
In-process research and development ,
Income fund ,
Index fund ,
Institutional fund ,
International fund ,
Investment fund ,
Investment trust ,
I/O strip ,
Immediate payment annuity ,
Incidental benefit ,
In-service withdrawal ,
In and out ,
In sympathy ,
In the tank ,
Jointly and severally ,
Joint and several liability ,
Joint and survivor annuity ,
Last In First Out ,
Law day ,
Law of one price ,
Letter security ,
Lending at a rate ,
Law of demand ,
Law of supply ,
London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange ,
Living benefits ,
Legal age ,
Living trust ,
Loan-to-cost ,
Loan-to-value ,
Lock-in ,
Lifecycle fund ,
Load fund ,
Locked in ,
Long-term gain or loss ,
Level I quotes ,
Marketable security ,
Mortgage-backed security ,
Mortgage pass-through security ,
Municipal bond fund ,
Municipal investment trust ,
Muni fund ,
Maintenance call ,
Make a market ,
Margin call ,
Mark-to-market ,
Marginal propensity to consume ,
Make whole provision ,
Minimum payment ,
Money at call ,
Mutual fund ,
Mutual fund custodian ,
Mutual fund symbol ,
Negotiable security ,
Nondiscretionary trust ,
Null and void ,
Naked call ,
Nonforfeitable benefit ,
Non-qualified retirement plan ,
Normal retirement age ,
Or better ,
Open-end fund ,
Option income fund ,
Old age, survivors, and disability insurance ,
Owner-employee ,
Profit and loss statement ,
Pro forma ,
Payment date ,
Payment-in-kind security ,
Price Value of a Basis Point ,
Provisional call feature ,
Payment for order flow ,
P&L ,
Provision for income taxes ,
Periodic payment plan ,
Pooled fund ,
Prime rate fund ,
Publicly-traded fund ,
Pure index fund ,
Pension benefit ,
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation ,
Pension fund ,
Paid-in capital ,
Paid-in surplus ,
Participating trust ,
Private Investment in Public Equity ,
Point-and-figure chart ,
Put/call ratio ,
Qualified retirement plan ,
Qualified trust ,
Reports and Records ,
Regulation Q ,
Registered security ,
Residual security ,
Restricted security ,
Retire ,
Receive against payment ,
Receive versus payment ,
Regulation D ,
Regulation G ,
Regulation T ,
Regulation U ,
Regional fund ,
Registered Retirement Savings Plan ,
Regulation A ,
Revisionary trust ,
Revocable trust ,
Right to Know ,
Retirement Equity Act of 1984 ,
Ring ,
SEC filing ,
Selling, General and Administrative Expenses ,
SG&A ,
Savings and Loan ,
Savings Association Insurance Fund ,
S&L ,
Stop payment ,
Securities and Exchange Commission ,
Series EE bond ,
Series HH bond ,
Sinking fund ,
Stamped security ,
SEC fee ,
Second-to-die insurance ,
Survivor benefit ,
Sale and leaseback ,
Security interest ,
Security loan ,
Senior security ,
Single-payment loan ,
Standard payment calculation ,
Sector fund ,
Series fund ,
Socially responsible fund ,
Specialized fund ,
Specialty fund ,
Stock fund ,
Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees ,
Self-directed retirement account ,
Simplified Employee Pension IRA ,
Single-employer plan ,
Social Security ,
Social Security Tax ,
Security analysis ,
S Corporation ,
Short-term gain or loss ,
Subchapter M ,
Subchapter S Corporation ,
Schedule C ,
Seek a market ,
S&P phenomenon ,
Stop and reverse ,
T-Bill ,
Term to maturity ,
Treasury Inflation-Protected Security ,
Trust-preferred security ,
Take a position ,
Trailing P/E ,
Testamentary trust ,
Trust ,
Trust company ,
Trust fund ,
Truth in Lending ,
Tax-free bond fund ,
Tax-managed fund ,
Term trust ,
Transfer payments ,
Taxable wage base ,
Take a bath ,
U.S. Government Agency Security ,
U.S. Savings Bond ,
U.S. Treasury ,
U.S. Treasury Bill ,
U.S. Treasury Bond ,
U.S. Treasury Note ,
U.S. Treasury Securities ,
Underlying security ,
Uncovered call ,
Unit Investment Trust ,
Unit Trust ,
Voting trust ,
With interest ,
Wage price spiral ,
World fund ,
Widow-and-orphan stock ,
W-2 Form ,
W formation ,
When, as, and if issued ,
X or XD ,
Year-To-Date ,
Yield to call ,
Yield to maturity ,
Yield to worst ,
Y shares