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Economic Program utilized during the Reagan administration, which emphasized Low taxes, Low social services spending, and High military spending. Contributed to low Interest rates, Low inflation, and large budget deficits.
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52-week high ,
52-week low ,
Asset/equity ratio ,
Adjustable rate ,
Accrued interest ,
After-tax basis ,
At par ,
At best ,
At call ,
Accumulated earnings tax ,
Adjustable rate preferred stock ,
At risk ,
Add-on service ,
Action to quiet title ,
As is ,
Assignment to creditors ,
Attorney in fact ,
Adjustable Rate Mortgage ,
Advance rate ,
Annual Percentage Rate ,
Applicable federal rate ,
A shares ,
At the money ,
Absorption rate ,
After-tax contributions ,
Across the board ,
Additional paid-in capital ,
Abusive tax shelter ,
Ad valorem ,
After-tax ,
Alternative Minimum Tax ,
Against the box ,
At the bell ,
At the close ,
At the figure ,
At the full ,
At the market ,
At the opening order ,
Automated Pricing and Reporting System ,
Away from the market ,
Balanced budget ,
Below the line ,
Burn rate ,
Benchmark interest rate ,
Bid-to-cover ratio ,
Brought over the wall ,
Buying on margin ,
Buy on close ,
Buy on opening ,
Buy the book ,
Bank Rate ,
Base interest rate ,
Breaking the syndicate ,
By the book ,
Base rate ,
Blended rate ,
Broker loan rate ,
Back-end load ,
B shares ,
Buy and write ,
Benefits administration ,
Back taxes ,
Before-tax income ,
Break-even tax rate ,
Beat the gun ,
Capitalized interest ,
Cash asset ratio ,
Cash budget ,
Cash ratio ,
Collection ratio ,
Common-size statement ,
Compound interest ,
Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures ,
Conversion ratio ,
Coupon rate ,
Current production rate ,
Call money rate ,
Capitalization rate ,
Cap rate ,
Civilian unemployment rate ,
Council of Economic Advisers ,
Cash and carry trade ,
Chasing the market ,
Cheapest to deliver ,
Capital budget ,
Closed-end credit ,
Consumer interest ,
Closed-end fund ,
Closed-end investment company ,
C shares ,
Call ratio backspread ,
Close to the money ,
Contract size ,
Cloud on title ,
Class A Shares ,
Class B Shares ,
Contributed capital ,
Capital gains tax ,
Child and dependent care credit ,
Consolidated tax return ,
Cup and handle ,
Close a position ,
Cornering the market ,
Curbs in ,
Debt service coverage ,
Deferred tax ,
Deficit net worth ,
Double budget ,
Deposit in transit ,
Deferred interest bond ,
Dividend in arrears ,
Dividend payout ratio ,
Dividend rate ,
Demand inflation ,
Demand-pull inflation ,
Desk (the) ,
Discount rate ,
Directed share program ,
De-escalation clause ,
De facto ,
Doing business as ,
Debtor in possession ,
Debtor-in-possession financing ,
Debt service ,
Due-on-sale clause ,
Deep in the money ,
Deep out of the money ,
Department of Housing and Urban Development ,
Direct participation program ,
Dogs of the Dow ,
Daily high ,
Daily low ,
Economic surplus ,
Economic value ,
Efficiency ratio ,
Effective annual interest rate ,
Exact interest ,
Escrowed to maturity ,
Exchange rate ,
Economic ,
Economic cycle ,
Economic growth ,
Economic growth rate ,
Economic indicator ,
Economic sanctions ,
E-mini ,
Effective tax rate ,
Exchange ratio ,
Explicit interest ,
Exercise ratio ,
Economic rent ,
Estate tax ,
Exclusion ratio ,
Earned income tax credit ,
Estimated tax ,
Excess profits tax ,
Excise tax ,
First In First Out ,
Fixed-charge coverage ratio ,
Federal Savings and Loan Association ,
Flat ,
Flat yield curve ,
Flight to quality ,
Floating-rate bond ,
Front-ending an order ,
Full-service brokerage ,
Floating exchange rate ,
Foreign exchange rate ,
Forward exchange rate ,
Forward P/E ,
Federal Reserve Discount Rate ,
Fee-for-service ,
Front-end load ,
Form S-1 ,
Friends and family offering ,
Federal Housing Administration ,
Fixed rate ,
Fixed-rate loan ,
Fixed-Rate Mortgage ,
Floating rate ,
Forward interest rate ,
Forward Rate Agreement ,
Full faith and credit ,
Free and clear ,
Flexible spending account ,
Federal Tax Identification Number ,
Federal tax lien ,
Flat tax ,
Franchise tax ,
Good Til Canceled ,
G-7 ,
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ,
G-8 ,
Growth and income fund ,
Gather in the stops ,
Gift tax ,
High-grade bond ,
High yield ,
Hit the bid ,
Hedge ratio ,
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ,
High ,
High-flyer ,
High-tech stock ,
Holder in due course ,
High credit ,
High-ratio mortgage ,
Hidden tax ,
Head and shoulders ,
High-low index ,
Hammering the market ,
Held at the opening ,
Holding the market ,
Inflation accounting ,
Interest-bearing ,
In escrow ,
Inflation-indexed security ,
Interest rate collar ,
Interest rate risk ,
Interest rate swap ,
In-house ,
In line ,
Inflation rate ,
Interest rate futures ,
Interbank Rate ,
Insurable interest ,
Interest ,
Interest expense ,
Internal Rate of Return ,
Indication of interest ,
In intestacy ,
Inter vivos trust ,
Imputed interest ,
Interest deduction ,
Interest-only loan ,
Interest rate ,
Interest rate cap ,
Interest rate ceiling ,
Interest rate floor ,
In play ,
In-process research and development ,
Interest rate option ,
I/O strip ,
Inchoate interest ,
Inheritance tax ,
Interest-only strip ,
Income replacement ratio ,
In-service withdrawal ,
Individual tax return ,
In and out ,
In sympathy ,
In the tank ,
Jointly and severally ,
Jumping the gun ,
Joint and several liability ,
Joint and survivor annuity ,
Joint tax return ,
Last In First Out ,
Liquidity ratio ,
Lending at a rate ,
Limit-on-close order ,
London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange ,
London Inter-Bank Offer Rate ,
Loan-to-cost ,
Loan-to-value ,
Loan-value ratio ,
Lock-in ,
Large cap ,
Leading the market ,
Locked in ,
Luxury tax ,
Level I quotes ,
Low ,
Make a market ,
Margin rate ,
Market on close order ,
Mark-to-market ,
Multiple Listing Service ,
Marginal propensity to consume ,
Market rate ,
Money at call ,
Mortgage interest deduction ,
Mortgage rate ,
Mill rate ,
Net interest margin ,
National Credit Union Administration ,
Nominal rate ,
Non-interest-bearing note ,
Net capital ratio ,
No limit order ,
No quote ,
National Deficit ,
No-Fault ,
No-Action Letter ,
Null and void ,
No-lien affidavit ,
No-load ,
Non-resident alien tax ,
No-load stock ,
New high ,
No book ,
Off the books ,
Overhead ratio ,
Ordinary interest ,
Over-the-Counter ,
On-floor order ,
On margin ,
Operating rate ,
Open interest ,
On account ,
On-the-spot loan ,
Open-end credit ,
Open-end mortgage ,
Open-end fund ,
Open-end management company ,
Out of the money ,
Open-end lease ,
Old age, survivors, and disability insurance ,
On-balance volume ,
Odd lot buy/sell ratio ,
On close ,
On open ,
On the opening ,
Pre-tax profit margin ,
Profit and loss statement ,
Pro forma ,
Pass-through coupon rate ,
Payment-in-kind security ,
Price Value of a Basis Point ,
Payout ratio ,
P&L ,
Provision for income taxes ,
Personal interest ,
Prepaid interest ,
Prime rate ,
Prime rate fund ,
Property tax ,
Paid-in capital ,
Paid-in surplus ,
Private Investment in Public Equity ,
Program ,
Program trading ,
Put ratio backspread ,
Progressive tax ,
Proportional tax ,
Point-and-figure chart ,
Profit ratio ,
Painting the tape ,
Put/call ratio ,
Reports and Records ,
Retention rate ,
Return on Capital ,
Return on Invested Capital ,
Return on Total Assets ,
Run rate ,
Real interest rate ,
Reserve ratio ,
Rate covenant ,
Rating service ,
Reading the tape ,
Regulation D ,
Regulation G ,
Regulation T ,
Regulation U ,
Rate of exchange ,
Real economic growth rate ,
Ratio ,
Regulation A ,
Right to Know ,
Rate-improvement ,
Rate lock ,
Regulation Z ,
Renegotiable rate ,
Ratio calendar combination ,
Ratio calendar spread ,
Ratio spread ,
Ratio write ,
Regressive tax ,
Ratio analysis ,
Return on Capital Employed ,
Rate of return ,
Real rate of return ,
Ring ,
Selling, General and Administrative Expenses ,
SG&A ,
Savings and Loan ,
Simple interest ,
S&L ,
Securities and Exchange Commission ,
Selling flat ,
Spot rate ,
Sell the book ,
Savings rate ,
Swap rate ,
Second-to-die insurance ,
Short interest ,
Short interest ratio ,
Severally but not jointly ,
Sale and leaseback ,
Security interest ,
Start rate ,
Selling the spread ,
Social Security ,
Social Security Tax ,
Selling short against the box ,
Shorting against the box ,
Sales tax ,
S Corporation ,
Self-employment tax ,
Separate tax returns ,
Sin tax ,
Standard mileage rate ,
Subchapter M ,
Subchapter S Corporation ,
Schedule C ,
Seek a market ,
S&P phenomenon ,
Stop and reverse ,
Times interest earned ,
Tax anticipation note ,
Tax-exempt bond ,
Tax renevue anticipation note ,
T-Bill ,
Term to maturity ,
Treasury Inflation-Protected Security ,
Take a position ,
Trailing P/E ,
Trade deficit ,
Tax haven ,
Tax ,
Tax schedule ,
Tenancy by the entirety ,
Teaser rate ,
TED spread ,
Truth in Lending ,
Tax-free bond fund ,
Tax-managed fund ,
Tax lien ,
Tax roll ,
Tenancy at will ,
Transfer tax ,
Tax deferral ,
Tax-deferred ,
The Street ,
Timing the market ,
Tax-advantaged ,
Tax audit ,
Tax base ,
Tax basis ,
Tax bracket ,
Tax-deductible ,
Tax deduction ,
Tax-efficient ,
Tax evasion ,
Tax-exempt ,
Tax identification number ,
Tax loss carryback ,
Tax loss carryforward ,
Tax lot ,
Tax planning ,
Tax preference item ,
Tax Reform Act of 1986 ,
Tax Reform Act of 1993 ,
Tax return ,
Tax sale ,
Tax shelter ,
Tax shield ,
Tax swap ,
Tax tables ,
Take a bath ,
U.S. Government Agency Security ,
U.S. Savings Bond ,
U.S. Treasury ,
U.S. Treasury Bill ,
U.S. Treasury Bond ,
U.S. Treasury Note ,
U.S. Treasury Securities ,
Unlimited tax bond ,
Unemployment rate ,
Unearned interest ,
Unified Tax Credit ,
Variable rate ,
Variable ratio write ,
Variable ratio plan ,
Value Added Tax ,
With interest ,
Widow-and-orphan stock ,
W-2 Form ,
W formation ,
When, as, and if issued ,
X or XD ,
Year-To-Date ,
Yield to call ,
Yield to maturity ,
Yield to worst ,
Y shares ,
Z shares