Registered Retirement Savings Plan
RRSP. A Tax-advantaged retirement planning Instrument for Canadians, similar to an IRA in the U.S.
Semi Related Terms: 288 CLICK HERE TO VIEW
401(k) plan,
403(b) plan,
457 plan,
Accredited Personal Financial Planning Specialist,
Allowance for depreciation,
After-tax basis,
All or any part,
Accumulated earnings tax,
Automatic reinvestment plan,
Absolute advantage,
Action to quiet title,
Assignment to creditors,
Attorney in fact,
A shares,
Automatic investment plan,
At the money,
After-tax contributions,
Age-weighted plan,
Across the board,
Additional paid-in capital,
Abusive tax shelter,
Ad valorem,
Alternative Minimum Tax,
Against the box,
At the bell,
At the close,
At the figure,
At the full,
At the market,
At the opening order,
Away from the market,
Below the line,
Bearer instrument,
Bid-to-cover ratio,
Brought over the wall,
Buy the book,
Breaking the syndicate,
By the book,
B shares,
Before-tax income,
Break-even tax rate,
Beat the gun,
Comparative advantage,
Chasing the market,
Cheapest to deliver,
Contract for deed,
C shares,
Close to the money,
Cafeteria plan,
Cash-balance plan,
Cash or Deferred Arrangement,
Collectively bargained plan,
Class A Shares,
Class B Shares,
Constant dollar plan,
Capital gains tax,
Consolidated tax return,
Close a position,
Cornering the market,
Curbs in,
Deferred tax,
Deposit in transit,
Dividend in arrears,
Dividend Reinvestment Plan,
Dividend rollover plan,
Desk (the),
Debtor in possession,
Debtor-in-possession financing,
Debt retirement,
Deep in the money,
Deep out of the money,
Defined benefit plan,
Defined contribution plan,
Dogs of the Dow,
Escrowed to maturity,
Either-or order,
Exchange for futures,
Exchange for physical,
Effective tax rate,
Employee Stock Purchase Plan,
Estate tax,
Education IRA,
Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974,
Earned income tax credit,
Estimated tax,
Excess profits tax,
Excise tax,
First In First Out,
Financial instrument,
Flight to quality,
Fill or kill,
Front-ending an order,
Forward P/E,
Form S-1,
Flexible benefit plan,
Frozen plan,
Federal Tax Identification Number,
Federal tax lien,
Flat tax,
Franchise tax,
Group IRA,
Gather in the stops,
Gift tax,
Hit the bid,
Holder in due course,
Hidden tax,
Hammering the market,
Held at the opening,
Holding the market,
In escrow,
In line,
In intestacy,
In play,
In-process research and development,
I/O strip,
Inheritance tax,
In-service withdrawal,
IRA rollover,
Individual tax return,
In and out,
In sympathy,
In the tank,
Jumping the gun,
Joint tax return,
Keogh Plan,
Last In First Out,
Lending at a rate,
Legal age,
Leading the market,
Locked in,
Long-term gain or loss,
Luxury tax,
Level I quotes,
Make a market,
Marginal propensity to consume,
Negotiable instrument,
Non-resident alien tax,
Non-contributory plan,
Non-insured plan,
Non-qualified retirement plan,
Normal retirement age,
Off the books,
Or better,
On-the-spot loan,
Out of the money,
Old age, survivors, and disability insurance,
On the opening,
Pre-tax profit margin,
Payment-in-kind security,
Price Value of a Basis Point,
Primary instrument,
Payment for order flow,
Provision for income taxes,
Periodic payment plan,
Property tax,
Pension plan,
Plan asset,
Plan sponsor,
Prototype plan,
Paid-in capital,
Paid-in surplus,
Private Investment in Public Equity,
Progressive tax,
Proportional tax,
Painting the tape,
Qualified retirement plan,
Reading the tape,
Regulation D,
Regulation G,
Regulation T,
Regulation U,
Registered Retirement Savings Plan,
Regulation A,
Right to Know,
Retirement Equity Act of 1984,
Roth IRA,
Regressive tax,
Sell the book,
Second-to-die insurance,
Stock bonus plan,
Stock option plan,
Systematic investment plan,
Selling the spread,
Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees,
Self-directed retirement account,
SEP Plan,
Simplified Employee Pension IRA,
Single-employer plan,
Social Security Tax,
Spousal IRA,
Summary plan description,
Selling short against the box,
Shorting against the box,
Sales tax,
S Corporation,
Self-employment tax,
Separate tax returns,
Short-term gain or loss,
Sin tax,
Subchapter M,
Subchapter S Corporation,
Schedule C,
Seek a market,
S&P phenomenon,
Tax anticipation note,
Tax-exempt bond,
Tax renevue anticipation note,
Term to maturity,
Take a position,
Trailing P/E,
Tax haven,
Tax schedule,
Tenancy by the entirety,
Truth in Lending,
Tax-free bond fund,
Tax-managed fund,
Tax lien,
Tax roll,
Transfer tax,
Tax deferral,
Top hat plan,
The Street,
Timing the market,
Tax audit,
Tax base,
Tax basis,
Tax bracket,
Tax deduction,
Tax evasion,
Tax identification number,
Tax loss carryback,
Tax loss carryforward,
Tax lot,
Tax planning,
Tax preference item,
Tax Reform Act of 1986,
Tax Reform Act of 1993,
Tax return,
Tax sale,
Tax shelter,
Tax shield,
Tax swap,
Tax tables,
Take a bath,
U.S. Government Agency Security,
U.S. Savings Bond,
U.S. Treasury,
U.S. Treasury Bill,
U.S. Treasury Bond,
U.S. Treasury Note,
U.S. Treasury Securities,
Unlimited tax bond,
Underfunded pension plan,
Unified Tax Credit,
Voluntary accumulation plan,
Variable ratio plan,
Value Added Tax,
X or XD,
Yield to call,
Yield to maturity,
Yield to worst