As an advice card, Temperance advises you to hold back from immediate judgment of a situation. It can make you more emotional, more driven. The golden crown hovering above the mountains could be a reference to The Emperor, and also to Sahasrara, the crown chakra, from which all other chakras emanate. No spell removal upsells, we promise. What does the Temperance Tarot Card mean in Friendship? There is also almost an other-worldliness to the imagery on the card. It would be hard to grow a relationship until both of you heal your unresolved issues. - Henry Clay. The Temperance Tarot Card Keywords Reversed, The Temperance Tarot Card as How Someone (He/She) Sees You, The Temperance Tarot Card Reversed as How Someone (He/She) Sees You, The Temperance Tarot Card Reversed in Love. Even though it can generally be interpreted as a positive tarot card, it's important to keep an eye on the surrounding circumstances and don't make any hasty decisions. Moderation can sometimes mean that we have to experience both ends of the spectrum to know what its all about. I would be worried if your work life is going well, as Temperance can mean that you're getting too comfortable. This is a relationship that can be seen as a perfect fit, as you work extremely well together. Temperance fits snugly within Aristotle's system of virtues except that Aristotle saw it as more rationally chosen than we understand it today. Any convictions you might be currently holding to are bound to change. If Temperance precedes the Emperor in the reading, it indicates that a transition to a position of power will go smoothly. 1 / 31. They have a direct and almost impulsive way of reacting with their emotions. Correct asnwers: -Tyler vetoed the creation of a new national bank. Re-establish that inner peace and balance, one that cannot be disturbed by everyday mishaps. Depending on your question, know that all you can do is pull yourself back into balance and try to find a compromise. What does the Temperance Tarot card mean? They could be a healer or have other psychic abilities and are able to combine different aspects of any given situation to create something new and fresh. Temperance as love outcome is a sign of a healthy kind of love. They come in good faith and are ready to focus on the next step. Mark Travers, Ph.D. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. At the same time, there is such a thing as easily giving up on our goals and forgoing our plans for productivity. The outcome of the situation can be one of disappointment or not achieving something that you had planned on. Youre thoughtful and reliable, and this other person may feel better just being around you. The Temperance card will appear in the outcome position of a Tarot reading to indicate a content future. Wisdom and knowledge (creativity, curiosity, open-mindedness, love of learning, perspective, and innovation), courage (bravery, persistence, integrity, vitality, and zest), humanity (love, kindness, and social intelligence), justice (citizenship, fairness, and leadership), temperance (forgiveness and mercy, humility, prudence, and self-control), and transcendence (appreciation of beauty and excellence, gratitude, hope, humor, and spirituality). Temperance is one of the 22 things I learned from reading Tarot. Perhaps we human beings could never look an angel of the Lord eye to eye, for we would turn to stone by the terrifying beauty of divine grace, Or is it about faith, about the belief that we are loved and protected without seeking proof, like when we close our eyes and pray? The 19th and early 20th century saw considerable organizing for temperance or prohibition. Temperance can represent a need for balance. Some of the links on my site are affiliate links which means that I earn a small commission if you purchase one of my recommendations. She has a golden halo around her head and at the end of the path she is on, there is another. What does Temperance Reversed mean in Friendship? The situation has been resolved in a calm manner. The Temperance card reversed suggests that you are in danger of giving up on yourself. A place that is quite urbanized or populated could be a possibility. The Temperance card in an unfavorable position is advising you to claim your voice, take up space, and be heard. The Fool and The World: Here, first and the last card of Major Arcana comes together, therefore this is a very powerful combination. There are disagreements and fights, and you cant seem to reach a middle ground. Sometimes our initial reactions can be exaggerated or overly emotional. You, or the friend you are thinking about, arent practicing restraint on your feelings and behavior towards the other; this has led to bad blood between you. Drawing this card would indicate a well-balanced relationship: low on the drama, high on the vibrations. You seem to be able to keep your playfulness balanced with responsibility, and joyfulness balanced with sincerity. Theres no need to rush, its fine to just take our time and find our pace until we feel ready to proceed further. Or if asking about a result of some sort of work or pay off, Temperance assures you that you will be satisfied. Clearly, we must be able to discuss differences, but I believe that most change happens if we practice committed civility rather than simply react to perceived provocations. For love readings, Temperance reveals the power of patience, compassion, and understanding. It depends on my mood. Even though John Tyler was a Whig, Whig newspapers quickly started referring to him as "His Accidency" and "The Executive Ass." Why was Tyler so disliked by members of his own party. Everything will be restored back into order and peace will once again ensue. Its a high-minded card that represents harmony and balance. Alternatively, workplace chaos or disagreements may be around the corner. Struggling with grounding your energy, or even grappling with balancing out your lifestyle and temperament does not make you a bad person. Someone who lives by their own rules but could come and go as they please in your life. by Dreaming_Magpie. Remember: Temperance teaches moderation in everything. When drawn to specify how to resolve a conflict, Temperance tells you to do the right thing: pacify the situation. An unabashed positive psychologist, you will often hear him preaching the simple but powerful wisdom, "the more you can replace bad thoughts with good thoughts, the happier, healthier, and more successful you will be." This in-depth article will explore different interpretations that the Temperance card can offer in a variety of different situations and positions. Committing is necessary because it helps one H, Hold onto forgiveness if you doubt you've forgiven. Just like quicksand- we enlarge the problem by struggling against it, when we could have been in a better position for assistance if we had remained calm. Temperance is a highly spiritual card. You may have experienced a blow-up recently. Your mind may be overtaken with anxiety or what-if situations. If youre inquiring about an ex, your ex has accepted the end of your relationship. Temperance in a discouraging position can also mean that you avoid conflict to the point that it interferes with how you stick up for yourself. E is for empathize with the person who hurt you so you can emotionally replace the negative unforgiving emotions with positive ones. The Temperance card indicates that you're able to avoid temptation and focus on the opportunities for growth around you. Its a sign that youre on the right track, making the right choices that will ultimately be helpful. A holistic and mindful approach is a passion which helps me work with temperance, curiosity, and a constant desire to learn. Either way, the Temperance card counsels finding the middle road. The Temperance card reversed can also advise you to not be afraid to show your passions. If youre single, youve been showing your hand too soon when it comes to your romantic interests and need to start playing things a little more coy. He is a regular contributor for Forbes and Psychology Today, where he writes about psycho-educational topics such as happiness, relationships, personality, and life meaning. Temperance is often quiet after the storm. Appreciate and cherish them. Lisa Boswell is an award-winning divination teacher and creator of Divinerism. Christianity named three Christian virtues: faith (confidence in that which is not necessarily observable), hope (the motivation to persevere when things are hard), and love (willingness to value and not devalue others). According to the researchers, improving temperance has the potential to smooth problematic relationships . You will experience healing on a mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual level. For your own well-being, let past transgressions slide. Humility has four parts: As we interact with others, we will often feel provoked to respond out of anger or selfish self-interest instead of other-oriented humility. I would not read Temperance as a sign that your ex-partner is coming back, but I would interpret it as meaning that youre going to get over your ex. This is that person whom you can always rely on. There are no power plays or immature games. Go with the flow and take a leap of faith towards your next chapter in life. Avoid rushing forward without planning ahead. Once you do you will be far better equipped to make the right decisions and find solutions to the issues you face. Summary. This might annoy them, but its alright. See if you can reach a middle ground with the other person. Rather, you are patient and prepared to simply go with the flow. Improving temperance through forgiveness, humility, and patience interventions. But having a character of patience and serenity doesnt automatically imply that you let others walk over you. In turn, you mistake their reaction for hostility, but in truth, they are only responding to a first impression that they perceived as a threat. Dont rush it. You and your partner have found the perfect balance of love and commitment, and you work together as a team. Were not deliberately trying to resist the flow of the universe. What this means is that she is a good sign that there is or will be harmony between you and those around you. Reconnecting with nature is also extremely vital for relaxing our bodies and minds and re-aligning ourselves. Let your mind wander off and soar above. MGT 321 Quiz 7 (Exam 2) 5.0 (2 reviews) Term. It could even refer to losing contact with your spiritual self, suffering from a spiritual blockage of some sort. Those interventions have been delivered in counseling and psychotherapy, in psychoeducational groups, in classrooms, in DIY workbooks, and in internet-based programs. Restore that balance to prevent it from impacting your physical and mental health. They can often bring more reward in the long term than a passionate outburst based only on a whim. But when we are tolerant, we often have a lot of emotional loading on an issue and sometimes our suppressed anger is like a bomb with a trip-wire, waiting for any disturbance to set it off. Whats the difference between the Major and Minor Arcana. I would love to see the research be applied to the big problems of the decade of the 2020s political polarization, racial reconciliation, relationship reconstruction, and character development. A total of 2468 pupils from primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong were recruited as the sample for . Lisa Boswell is an award-winning divination teacher. There is no indication of danger, just the notion of adventure. A powerful affirmation for any kind of relationship, the Temperance card reminds you, even if you dont see it now, that you have friends who will support and stay with you through thick and thin. Maybe this is something that youve hoped for to happen (within reason, of course), or have been worrying about for a long time. And if you asked about anothers feelings for you and drew this card in reverse, well, this person might not know exactly how to feel. The Temperance card indicates a long-lasting, harmonious, and stable relationship. GeneralResponsibilities. If youre in a relationship, drawing Temperance reversed indicates there have been numerous recent conflicts caused by an imbalance in your partnership. If you are currently in separation with each other, Temperance as love outcome means your person is pretty Zen about the situation. This card reversed most likely points towards break-ups or an ending on bad terms. This may be related to work or a professional situation. But we can decide to forgive and treat the other person differently for the rest of our lives and still feel emotionally upset resentful, bitter, angry, hostile every time we think of the offense. Reconciliation is restoring trust in a relationship. Its those moments that remind us how fragile we are, how easily our inner world can be turned over. The ideology of the Temperance card is that achieving this mindset of tranquillity and patience will align us in the direction of our Higher Selves. Practices such as meditation can assist in doing so, but it remains difficult to properly quiet your mind in the midst of obligations and conflict. Temperance says that in being willing to dedicate time and energy towards a goal, as well as being rational and calculated about it, you will definitely acquire the pay-off. But similarly to Temperance upright, always act in a balanced manner. The World Card Tarot Combinations. Take good care of yourself, exercise, get enough rest, eat well, do all the things you know you need to do in order to stay healthy. Contentment is right for you. USHS1 9.29.B. A vibe of enmity between two people can cause much harm. Be patient and plan out your long-term goals. In a reading focused on career, the Temperance card is a gentle indicator that now is the time to set goals and work on them over time. Temperance foretells good feelings. Regardless of your actual situation, you need to be looked upon as a team player by your professional superiors, even if you work independently. Right now, I don't perceive it that way. C is for Commit to the forgiveness you experience. Perhaps the lesson here is to know when you need to take appropriate action when required, but also when to step back. A new article appearing in Frontiers in Psychology suggests that a better understanding of the human virtue of temperance has the potential to unlock new treatments for a range of psychological issues such as depression, relationship conflict, impulsiveness and impatience, and anxiety. Vekke Sind. Discussions flow naturally and lead to constructive thinking and subtle realizations that benefit both of you. Privacy Policy. Drawing it implies that you know who you are, what you want to achieve, and how you plan on realizing your goals. Temperance encourages patience, moderation, compromise, and the middle way. in psychology, magna cum laude, from Cornell University and his M.A. But as a negative, this person might perceive you to have a volatile emotional or spiritual state. Temperance is a favorable card to appear in the outcome of health readings because it reveals that theres going to be healing in the future. Temperance means both a lack of surprises and a warm feeling surrounding that knowledge. Wonderful things can result from this much-needed internal dialogue. Its not a sign to disappear from the world, go vegan, and run a marathon. We could restrain ourselves by practicing tolerance, forbearance, minimization, or acceptance. These attributes establish trust. This is the way that we process change. The Temperance card shows that you are having trouble reaching your goals in an effective way. Perhaps you juggle these personality traits because you have not found your place among the others yet, and as you try to maintain your composure, your insecurities rise to the surface. Although an abstinence pledge had been introduced by churches as early as 1800, the earliest temperance organizations seem to have been those founded at Saratoga, New York, in 1808 and in Massachusetts in 1813. The flowing white robe that the figure wears, the lush greenery, the distant mountains, and the rising sun in the background all serve to convey a message of serenity. For an incoming relationship, this person may not be a good match for you. The scientific studies of forgiveness have shown a couple of important things. If the situation seems impossible, youre allowed to walk away. Moreover, it suggests that the Kingdom of Heaven is here, upon the Earth. Both parties of oppression fought against the same outcome, unjust treatment, yet, each fought against . Tagged: Tarot, meanings, interpretations, Temperance, Major Arcana, historical, business, career, love, relationship, feelings, yes or no, positive, negative, future, prediction, predictive. They like your vibe and believe that you are an exceptional human being who has found balance and knows what life is all about. They may do it unintentionally, in order to stick with their own opinions, or deliberately. Granted, this person is not the calmest, but learning to effectively manage impulses or emotions can play greatly in their favor. Being pushy or rushing the relationship will not help you in the long run. The presence of the angel in the midst of this natural environment adds to the mystery. Temperance in the outcome position shows that the end result will be favorable. Heal from your negative cycles, heal from the lesson that the universe has just thrown at you. All rights reserved. There are more outcome Tarot card meanings on this website. This suit represents something supportive that is available to you -- whether it be health, some kind of talent, a material or financial resource. One other analogy would refer to a literal river (except this time, the river represents our life). Some kind of international excitement appears to be in store for you when you have drawn this card combination. Unfortunately, Temperance Reversed doesnt bode well for your social life. It doesnt necessarily promise you will or will not meet someone, but you will be happy whatever happens in your love life. You remind them that moderation can lead to excellence. This card could be pointing towards a place where trees or grass, and especially flowing water, are near. Reversed, the Temperance card could refer to a place that is quite busy, frantic, or high-paced. Your person could seem both temperamental and cold, and this is understandably confusing. Current relationships may be taking a toll on your mental health. Stress, worry, and anxiety are negative energies after all, and they can all feed off our positive energy to knock even more aspects of our lives off-balance. Id love it if you could try them out and let me know your experience. The survivors of the Great Flood decided to . Addressing these areas will provide you with the boost you need to feel healthy and energetic again. Because if you make some time for yourself by sorting out which habits, routines, and people are fundamentally good for you, and realize that we cant just wait around for motivation to do all the necessary things in life, youd be astonished at how much a human being can achieve with ease.